Drug problem in Bangladesh

Newton Akash Boiragee


There are many problems of youth in Bangladesh like quality education, jobs, social security, good living environment etc. One of the most problems of the youths in this country is being influenced by drugs. They think it’s a trend and normal practices in their lives. Of course not openly but hiding from the family members and society.

At first they think that drugs are a sensation that all must do. It’s like a virus that spreads like Corona. There are many kinds of drugs like ganja, Yaba, injections, different types of tablets and syrups and many others. Youths also take lsd and meth. These are the most popular drugs in the country.  If one gets infected, it will spread to others especially among the friend circles. It starts among the youths as a special adventure. In a group if a boy or girl starts using or having drugs, others are soon to followed and spread quickly.

They start at an early age. In addiction they could not manage the money. In this situation they start dealings (buy and sell). When they get closure to the dealers, they frame them, get them caught and in many situation they try to frame them in cases or hand over to polices. After the case it’s easy to extort money from them showing different threats.

In Dhaka and all the major cities in Bangladesh, the drug problem is becoming a critical issue bad impact to the family members, societies and as well as to the state. There was a case where a boy killed a person in the influenced of lsd and finally he himself suicided. The problem is not with the drugs itself. Youth talents are being wasted and ruined addicted and influence of drugs. They waste their whole life influence by drugs and no good comes out of it.

They waste money and precious time after this wasteful stuff. They must use the time properly to do something productive. Their lives start in depression. But they must overcome this sensation and try to prosper in life. We must guide the youths, so that this country can get rid of this problem. If we can save one generation from the drugs, we can save the whole nation and stop this problem for ever. If the drugs and narcotics and the Law enforcement departments take strict right measures to stop drug distribution (inlet & out let) for just 12 years, Bangladesh could be drug free and have a drug free country. They should be given proper equipment to the local police and man power, drug dealings could be stopped.

Every year youth are dying in an over dozes that goes unnoticed because the family feels ashamed for it. We must stop this at once to bring out and using the talents for something goods in Bangladesh. Lets make Bangladesh a drug free country again. And say, `no to DRUGS .


Newton Akash Boiragee (Hon`s 4th year-English)

Email: boirageeakash777@gmail.com

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